Rsync on Windows
When several computers are networked together, you can take advantage from this - you can setup rsync to synchronize data between computers. This can be particularly useful when you want to sync laptop with desktop
Note: Maybe this tutorial is over-verbose, but i'm used to assume nothing from the _user_.
I'll be talking about Rsync usage in Windows... Although i am currently writing this in Vim editor under Linux.
After you have them installed, follow the following steps:
First, you have to install both cwRsync packages from here . After you have them installed, modify the batch source below to suit your needs. :)
Don't worry, the batch file example is reasonably commented and places that have to be changed are marked by "CHANGE HERE" lines
-------Start Batch example-------
-------End Batch example-------
When you're done with that batch file, you should save it as C:\Program Files\cwRsync\sync.bat and you're done with the client part...
The daemon (server, service) part needs two files for configuration:
rsyncd.conf and rsync.scrt
The first file contains configuration, folders for sync et cetera.
Rsyncd.scrt contains plaintext pairs of usernames/passwords. You can name rsync.scrt whatever you want to, as long as you don't forget to update pointer in rsyncd.conf.
-------Start rsyncd.conf example-------
-------End rsyncd.conf example-------
-------Start rsyncd.scrt example-------
-------End rsyncd.scrt example-------
These configuration files must be unique for both hosts. I.e., 1 host must target 2nd host in batch file, et cetera.
When all of the configuration is done and config files are in place... start the daemon:
(Enter this to cmd prompt...)
(no, the weird space in "start= auto" is NOT a typo. That's actually correct syntax... Duh)
Or, if you prefer the tedious rodent-GUI way:
Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative tools>Services, find RsyncServer, go to properties, make startup type automatic, start it.
When finished, launch that "sync.bat" or whatever you have named it, and it should give you a proper mini-menu for choosing synchronising direction. Enter the choice number, and the synchronisation shall commence... Happy synching :-)
Edit (2006-09-20): Sorry, the "choice" command isn't included in Win2k/XP by default; It is part of Microsoft's NT Resource kit... Choice.exe can be downloaded from here. Put it to C:\(Windows|WinNT)\system32 or to directory where is that rsync script located (folder where CwRsync is installed)
Note: Maybe this tutorial is over-verbose, but i'm used to assume nothing from the _user_.
I'll be talking about Rsync usage in Windows... Although i am currently writing this in Vim editor under Linux.
After you have them installed, follow the following steps:
First, you have to install both cwRsync packages from here . After you have them installed, modify the batch source below to suit your needs. :)
Don't worry, the batch file example is reasonably commented and places that have to be changed are marked by "CHANGE HERE" lines
-------Start Batch example-------
:: This is first to suppress command themselves echoing to the screen
:: Make environment variable changes local to this batch file
:: This command specifies directory cwRsync is installed to
:: Specify different path if different from default
:: Set CYGWIN variable to 'nontsec'. That makes sure that permissions
:: on your windows machine are not updated as a side effect of cygwin
:: operations.
SET CYGWIN=nontsec
:: Set HOME variable to your windows home directory. That makes sure
:: that ssh command creates known_hosts in a directory you have access.
:: Make cwRsync home as a part of system PATH to find required DLLs
:: Example : C:\WORK\* --> /cygdrive/c/work/*
:: Example 1 - rsync recursively to a unix server with an openssh server :
:: rsync -r /cygdrive/c/work/ remotehost:/home/user/work/
:: Example 2 - Local rsync recursively
:: rsync -r /cygdrive/c/work/ /cygdrive/d/work/doc/
:: Simple menu for choosing synchronization direction
:: You are free to change the computer's name from Foo to something more sensible
:: Do one search and replace run on this menu.
echo 1. Retrieve Wiki from Foo
echo 2. Send Wiki to Foo
CHOICE /C:12 /N Make your choice:
:: You must replace paths, IP adresses and usernames
:: An explanation for the clueless:
:: Replace user with user which was defined in secrets file
:: Replace IP with, well, Foo's IP adress
:: Replace path with your path
:: Note about cygwin's path: It consists from /cygdrive/x/Path
:: where x is your drive's letter, eg C drive
:: Another thing to note about UNIX paths in general
:: is that they use forward slashes, not backslashes
:: EG, C:\Windows\system32 in this format would be /cygdrive/WINDOWS/system32
:: Yet another difference is that path names are CASE SENSITIVE,
:: Meaning that Doc, doC and doc are three different filenames
rsync --del --progress -av "/cygdrive/c/Place/That/Needs/To/Be/in/sync/" user@
rsync --del --progress -av user@ "/cygdrive/c/Place/That/Needs/To/Be/in/sync/"
:: Here are the explanations of command line flags
:: used (taken from manual of course :):
:: -a, --archive archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
:: --del an alias for --delete-during
:: --delete-during receiver deletes during xfer, not before
:: -v, --verbose increase verbosity
:: --progress show progress during transfer
echo -----------------
echo I hope the sync was succesful! :-)
-------End Batch example-------
When you're done with that batch file, you should save it as C:\Program Files\cwRsync\sync.bat and you're done with the client part...
The daemon (server, service) part needs two files for configuration:
rsyncd.conf and rsync.scrt
The first file contains configuration, folders for sync et cetera.
Rsyncd.scrt contains plaintext pairs of usernames/passwords. You can name rsync.scrt whatever you want to, as long as you don't forget to update pointer in rsyncd.conf.
-------Start rsyncd.conf example-------
use chroot = false
strict modes = false
hosts allow = *
log file = rsyncd.log
pid file =
secrets file = rsync.scrt
path = /cygdrive/c/The Place/Docs
read only = false
auth users = user
transfer logging = yes
-------End rsyncd.conf example-------
-------Start rsyncd.scrt example-------
-------End rsyncd.scrt example-------
These configuration files must be unique for both hosts. I.e., 1 host must target 2nd host in batch file, et cetera.
When all of the configuration is done and config files are in place... start the daemon:
sc config RsyncServer start= auto
net start RsyncServer
(Enter this to cmd prompt...)
(no, the weird space in "start= auto" is NOT a typo. That's actually correct syntax... Duh)
Or, if you prefer the tedious rodent-GUI way:
Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative tools>Services, find RsyncServer, go to properties, make startup type automatic, start it.
When finished, launch that "sync.bat" or whatever you have named it, and it should give you a proper mini-menu for choosing synchronising direction. Enter the choice number, and the synchronisation shall commence... Happy synching :-)
Edit (2006-09-20): Sorry, the "choice" command isn't included in Win2k/XP by default; It is part of Microsoft's NT Resource kit... Choice.exe can be downloaded from here. Put it to C:\(Windows|WinNT)\system32 or to directory where is that rsync script located (folder where CwRsync is installed)
Hi Karolis,
good post on your blog. I have one question to post-xfer exec. It's working on WinXP?
Thank's, this helped me getting it to work on XP. Eskimo
Thanks for this. At long last the mystery of corrupted permissions is solved using CYGWIN=NONTSEC.
Great post. Thanks!
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